LoVe is Patient..LoVe is Kind..Love is not envious or boastful or rude..It does not insist on its own way..It is not irritable or resentful..It does not rejoice in wrongdoing but rejoice in truth..It bears all things,believe all things,hopes all things,endures all things..

Monday, December 31, 2012
2013 is here...!!
there will be a new wish..
new hope..
new dream..
new changes..
new challenges for all..
but keep moVing in faith n pRay..
becAuse God will owez tHere...
nO worry...keep living in faith...
Haepy New Year for aLL...
God bLess ^____^
Saturday, December 15, 2012
Christmas come with Love^_^
oLa..itz December already...cHristmas is coming to tOwn ^__^
people will sometime ask..why are we celebrating Christmas every year..? Christmas not stated in the bible must be celebrated every 25 December? not stated..Jesus Christ come to the earth to give the light, that was His promises for us rite..among every history, people know when their birth and death..but Jesus,nobody truly know when exactly His birth..but He have done something amazing that save many souls and do miracle that never been seen...
December is not all about celebrate also about how we appreciate what Jesus done..every day..we refresh every moment we have through Jesus is there for us..this is the time where we understand deeply that Jesus turn to be a human because of us and He never regret about it...because He love us more than anything..^_^
from the unworthy he take us and become worthy in One can do that for us except Him..
soo..wish u all ave a great deCember full of loVe and Joy in Christ Jesus..^_^
God be with us now to the end.....:)
Monday, October 29, 2012
Singleness is not a problem..^_^
it was a good topic actually..about BGR also...
the word that i like the most is " God need you to be contented with your singleness in order for you to draw your character from Him "
for me...singleness never be a big problem..but I have unaware that behind the singleness God have put a time for us to know and understand He more deeply before we are truly ready to share the blessing with a partner that God have prepared..
sOO...taKe our time...don't rush to be in a relationship...^_^
chaayoook2 in everything..God bless all^^
Saturday, October 13, 2012
the Silent of Emptiness..
Sunday, September 30, 2012
Impaction of Christ..
When we say we'r CHristian,there is a responsibilities we should commit in..
everything we do reflecting who believe in..
we receive the bless..we share it..
we feel the joy..we let the others feel it too..
we have the goOd news..we spread it...
and the most important is...
we let the world see..the impaction of Christ in us...
hepy sunDay.....bLast blessing 4 all ^___^
Friday, September 28, 2012
The Truth is...its You..
if there is a time..i want you to know that....
the thing that i would like to do is talking to you...
back to the time that i can hear your voice..
know everything what you are doing..
tell you to have a rest while you sick..
see you each day and your smile can make me happy for a whole day..
just the one time that we get a ride,i feel peacefully and wishing there will be a second time..
texting you in the time i feel i need someone to talk..
when i walk in front you..beside you..behind you..i feel safe..
wish that all your jokes is the truth..
wish i were telling you its true and its not april fool..
after there are no other longer a time i can really see you..text you everyday..hear your voice every week..
now..i'am was You that always here in my Heart....
nitezzz aLL ^____^
Saturday, September 15, 2012
22 years of LiFe..
its like I was born Yesterday..
someone that know nOthing..
just realize how fast the time..
leaving me alone..
to know what Life is..
and now..its been 22 years of life time..
never know hOw its start and when the end truly cOme..
while there still a time...
tHankz for the lOve ♥ ♥ ♥ .....
tHankz for tHe wOrd ♥ ♥ ♥ ....

tHankz for the memOry ♥ ♥ ♥ ....
tHankz for the frenship ♥ ♥ ♥ ....
tHank yOu for aLL....bLast blessing for all....God Bless^___^
Saturday, September 8, 2012
Start of sOmething neW... matter what hapen...letz start soMething new n go oN wiTh with it ^__^
happy sunDay all...God bless us today and fOrever..
Thursday, August 9, 2012
Truth n Lie..

I feel that it was hard to think we living everyday between the Truth n Lie every second of our happen every minutes and we never know about it...
comee...letz learn to be who we are...
haVe a great day everyOne...
God bless uS..^_^
Friday, July 27, 2012
loVe iS bLind..??
hihi..lets figure it out...^__^
for me..cinta e2 buta buKan kerana ia tidak MELIHAT..tapi ia punya rasa PENERIMAAN apa adanya
cinta e2 buta kerana...kita tidak MELIHAT sesuatu yang boleh menjadi kebangaan diri..tapi ia punya perasaan untuk selalu MENGHARGAI ketidaksempurnaan...
cinta e2 dikatakan buta...apabila kita PERCAYA kasih yang kita rasai berbanding PRASANGKA orang lain..

Sunday, July 8, 2012
doO something
if u think there something not right,just doO something bout it while we can^__^
haepy sunDay aLL..God bless ^_^
Saturday, June 16, 2012
wHat makes a Dad
> Author Unknown

Saturday, May 19, 2012
loan withOut interest..^^
stiLL beathing tOday..yeAh!
thankz my Lord...
hiDup ni boleh dimengetrikan macam satu pinjaman..
Yesus melabur dengan harga yang mahal bagi membolehkan saya dan kamu hidup saat nie..
loan without any interest g tue..
nafas yang dipinjamkan..
kekuatan yang baru everyday..
kesihatan tiap saat..
bahkan a nonstop blessing for aLL...
appreciate our liFe n bertanggunjawab dengan tinDakan kita...^__^
ave a blast bLessing everyOne...God bless^^
Saturday, May 12, 2012
mom,thankz yah..
tomorrow is mama day..have u'll prepare suprise them mayBe..^^
♥♥ to my mama :
maa,thankz for everything yah..
for taking care of me without complaint..
for nonstop worry about me..
for your pray everyday..
for your words that kip me strong..
for your patient with my obstinate..
undil the end of my're truly my awesome mam^__^
♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ God taking care of all kind moms around the world ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ amen!
Friday, May 4, 2012
hiDup ni....
ada kalanya susah seperti Matematik..huh..
hidup ni bukan macan makan Chocolate,tidak selalunya akan manis..
ada masanya macam Coffee..pahit sangat..yuuekz...
hidup ni tidak akan hanya hari yang Cerah,
perlu ada Hujan dan Ribut juga,agar pada akhirnya datang Pelangi yang Indah..waah...
wiSh all of us hAve a Great tiMe from a siMple tHingz^____^
Sunday, April 29, 2012
kita harus diIngatkan selalu bahwa hiDup ini kepunyaan kita tapi pemiLiknya adalah Tuhan kita..kita tidakakan lupa hanya kadang kita leka dan alpa dalam kesenangan^_^
renungkanlah Allah yang yang selalu mencukupkan..memberkati..memberi..mengambil..memenuhi..menolak dan menerima..dan tidak tidak akan pernah kan!
soO...selamat menjalani minggu baru yang masih Tuhan Yesus pinjamkan buat kita..
hAepy suNday...God bLess aLL^^
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
tiada wAktu...
namun sayang tiada waktu.."
Sunday, April 22, 2012
S.u.n.D.a.Y w.O.r.D
makin banyak hal yang berubah,semakin banyak hal yang tetap seperti aSalnya..
namun semakin banyak hal yang tetap pada aSalnya..
semakin banyak orang berubah kerana hal itu membosakan..
tanPa menyadari hal yang bOsan itu yang membentuk kita pada muLanya...^_^
hAepy sUNday..
a bLAst blesSing for aLL..amen!
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
It's yOur cHoice..
letz see...
Bila kita sangat2 marah,kita boleh pilih untuk :
♥ sabar
♥ bersuara
Bila kita dalam keadaan keliru :
♥ bercakap benar
♥ berbohong
Bila tidak puas hati :
♥ complaint!
♥ tetap berdiam
Bila kita sedih :
♥ menangis n menyalahkan orang lain!
♥ menangis n boleh tetap tenang
Bila kita benci :
♥ membencinya sampai biLa2!
♥ belajar mengampuni dan mengasihi^^
Bila kita buat silap :
♥ tetap rasa diri betul!
♥ akuinya dn belajar tidak mengulangi^^
BIla kita sakit hati :
♥ menghindar n tidak mahu tegur2 g
♥ masih boleh menegur dn sedar setiap kita ada kelemahan bah^^
Bila kita mahukan sesuatu :
♥ berusaha memaksa orang lain dapatkan untuk kita n mendesak!
♥ berusaha untuk dapatkan sendiri n sabar menanti^^
Bila kita capai sesuatu kejayaan :
♥ bangga krn merasa semuanya sebab usaha sendiri
♥ bersyukur dan sedar bahawa kejayaan kita itu krn ada dukungan org lain juga^^
Dalam semuanya itu..memperlihatkan kita pribadi yang bagaimana yah...think of it la yah....gOood nitez....
♥God bLess aLL♥
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
saya adalah saya..
seLama saya mengenal kamu kawan,pasti saya pernah menyakiti kamu,mohon ampuni saya kerana saya pribadi yang tidak sempurna dan tidak mungkin dapat selalu menjaga hati kamu..
selama mengenal kamu teman,saya yakin ada waktunya saya mengecewakan kamu,mohon kamu dapat lupakan kerana itu kelemahan ku..
selama mengenal kamu sahabat,ada waktu jika saya pernah marah kamu percayalah itu bukan kerana benci tapi itu saatnya saya tahu kesilapan kamu dan berharap agar kamu tidak mengulanginya..
selama kamu mengenal saya,pasti kamu temui saya tidak sebaik apa pun tapi berharap kamu dapat menegur membetulkan sifat yang tidak baik..
selama saya mengenal kamu,jika saya pernah sangat mnegasihi kamu,ketahuilah bahawa saat itu kamu adalah seseorang yang sangat istimewa dari semua orang yang ada di sekeliling saya..
saya adalah saya,jangan cari hal indah kerana pasti kamu tidak menjumpainya..
tapi saya senang menjadi diri saya biarpun orang luar melihat tiada yang dibanggakan...^_^
*just love de way who i'am...
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
dalam setiap hari,pasti kita percaya akan sesuatu sehingga kita mampu untuk terus bertahan..
bermula dengan this simple question ::
who we believe with? | siapa kita percaya?
how we believe? | bagaimana kita percaya?
what we believe? | kenapa yang kita percaya?
for what we believe? | untuk apa kita percaya?
believe Someone who can give a answer for us while we loss and confuse..
believe Something that not always can be seen but can be feel..
believe a Source that truth and never lie..
and stand as a Humble believer..^_^
Friday, March 16, 2012
worK hArd..
everyDay i can see how the people surround me work hard in
their strenght,effort,energy and idea..
mereka menggunakan segenap kekuatan..
setiap ruang masa..
seluruh keupayaan..
dan tanpa sungutan..
dalam melihat kesungguhan itu,saya tahu ada sesuatu yang mereka ingin
penuhi dan dicapai...soo,jangan angap kita senang itu kerana usaha sendiri..tapi sedar bahawa semuanya atas titik peluh orang lain juga..^^
Sunday, March 11, 2012
let God handle it..
here we are,March already...
how our plan going..?
is it run smoothly all the time...?
me also have a lotz of plan and not all of it really
go to the way i wanted..hihi..
for sure there will be a hard and difficult time but dont make it
a reason to be a complainer everytime..owk,,
we learn to be patient and calm..that is the best way..
because God never stop to listen the pray in faith..
He just waiting for the best time to suprise us..^__^
believe it!
Haepy suNday..God bless all....^^

Monday, January 23, 2012
Live + Love + Laugh
lets talk about 3 L today..
3 thing that everyone should have to have a great moments in life..

LIVE : we know as a human being,we are not immortals to waste some of our time to something that is nothing..Fullfill it with happiness,that you will never regrets for it..Live by doing something that we can proud of and feel a thousand of meaningful..we are the person that in charge our life and make an important decision for a great living..

LOVE : can spread love every seconds in our life..don't have to wait valentine day's to talk about love..rite,,
for me love is every minutes to care,every hour to trust,every day to sincere,every week to faithful,and all of month of happiness..^_^

Laugh : laughing is the best way to create a joy in soul..hihi...not a hard thing to do,share the joke and happy thing then laugh together..
see,what a simple thing...a little thing with a small effort to have marvelous life time...
Friday, January 20, 2012
a free gift that always can be share to everyone..

senyuman dimiliki oleh semua orang..tidak diberi untuk tidak digunakn tapi dikongsi..hal termudah yang boleh dilakukan untuk menyenangkan siapapun..
dengan senyuman yang ikhlas saja..marah dan geram boleh lesap..

got a story to tell..benar2 terjadi di Indonesia.ada seorang budak perempuan dalam belasan tahun yang begitu stress dengan hidupnya dan membuat keputusan untuk membunuh diri..setelah berfikir dia tekad membunuh diri dengan terjun ke sungai yang deras dan dalam..sebelum dia membunuh diri,dia menulis sepucuk surat,di dalam surat tersebut dia katakan..jika dalam perjalanan dia ke sungai,jika ada satu orang pun yang senyum padanya,dia akan berpatah balik..kemudian,dia pergi.....
kamu akhirnya........
akhirnya,gadis itu ditemui mati lemas..dan mereka menemui surat yang dia tulis,setiap orang yang hadir menangis kerana surat tersebut..kita renungkan,dalam dia pergi ke sungai,melalui jalan besar yang sesak dengan orang,tiada satu pun yang sempat untuk tersenyum..biarpun hanya sesaat bagi orang lain..
saya tidak maksudkan kita senyum untuk setiap masa.tapi senyum la diantara sesama kita..siapa tahu,dengann senyuman yang kita kongsikan kita,hati yang keras dilembutkan,yang sakit disembuhkan yang hiba dihiburkan...

smile owez..........letz 2012 full of smilesss for aLL...God bless...^____^
Saturday, January 14, 2012
Semakin erat...
kami sedar itu adalah keindahan ciptaan Mu..
dalam setiap kami melangkah,
kami tahu penyertaan Mu itu adalah nyata..
setiap hal yang kami kerjakan,
kami ingat bahawa Engkau mendahului semuanya..
semudah apa pun keadaan kami, sesukar apa jua kami hadapi..
kami selalu tahu Engkau tidak pernah jauh..
erat dengan Mu..hal yang terindah..tidak perlu cari harta dunia..
di dalam Mu..kecukupan berlimpah..berkat diberi tanpa diminta..
ajar kami..selalu erat dengan Mu..^_^
Saturday, January 7, 2012
wish a great moment..
a big smile..
a lots of joy..
a beautiful memory..
a wonderful time that don't be waste....
and a good news that never be late for everyone.
keep the sHine for Jesus yah!! God bless aLl....^_^