Monday, December 31, 2012

2013 is here...!!

woOw..itz 2013!!

there will be a new wish..
new hope..
new dream..
new changes..
new challenges for all..
but keep moVing in faith n pRay..
becAuse God will owez tHere...
nO worry...keep living in faith...

Haepy New Year for aLL...

God bLess ^____^

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Christmas come with Love^_^

oLa..itz December already...cHristmas is coming to tOwn ^__^

people will sometime ask..why are we celebrating Christmas every year..?  Christmas not stated in the bible must be celebrated every 25 December? not stated..Jesus Christ come to the earth to give the light, that was His promises for us rite..among every history, people know when their birth and death..but Jesus,nobody truly know when exactly His birth..but He have done something amazing that save many souls and do miracle that never been seen...

December is not all about celebrate also about how we appreciate what Jesus done..every day..we refresh every moment we have through Jesus is there for us..this is the time where we understand deeply that Jesus turn to be a human because of us and He never regret about it...because He love us more than anything..^_^

from the unworthy he take us and become worthy in One can do that for us except Him..

soo..wish u all ave a great deCember full of loVe and Joy in Christ Jesus..^_^

God be with us now to the end.....:)